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Coffee & Espresso Updates for your Inbox

CoffeeGeek launched its first new Newseltter, the “Coffee Pulse”, in late 2022, to a starting subscriber base of 14,500 people, all opted in via our membership roles collected over the years. After careful list curation, this settled at 11,400 by our fourth issue, and climbed to 12,500 after the first year.

We launched our second newsletter, the “Espresso Pulse” in March, 2024, first offering it to Coffee Pulse subscribers, then moving it to its own subscriber list.

We hope both newsletters are something very unique for your inbox. Every issue focuses on a single topic, but the breadth of what we cover is pretty wide. Some issues feature creative writing about coffee culture, style and environments. Others will dive deep into a specific brewing technique, or product that has shaken up the industry. Coffee Pulse covers the entire spectrum of specialty coffee, and Espresso Pulse always focuses 100% on espresso.

Below, please find our archive of every issue published, and a list of our contests and winners. If you’d like to subscribe to either of these newsletters, the sign up is below.


Our first 13 issues were served through Constant Contact, so those links point to their archive server (they may disappear at some point; if they do, we will self-host them for archival purposes). 

Past Issues - Coffee Pulse


Contest Pages and Winners

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Sign up for the twice-monthly Coffee Pulse Newsletter from CoffeeGeek, with original, exclusive content, prize giveaways, and updates on the newest website content.
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Coffee Pulse

Delivered twice monthly, CoffeeGeek's premier newsletter dives into a specific coffee topic each issue. The Pulse also occasionally features contests and giveaways. Subscribing is free, and your personal information is never shared.

By submitting this form, you are consenting to receive marketing emails from: CoffeeGeek. You can revoke your consent to receive emails at any time by using the SafeUnsubscribe® link, found at the bottom of every email. Emails are serviced by Constant Contact